Orr Family

Orr Family

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Value #2: Gospel-Centered not Religious "Right" (or "Left")

When I was in 7th grade life got fuzzy.  I don't meant that I was having a hard time remembering things as if i were walking around in a daze. I mean that literally my vision was fuzzy and blurry. There were no more crisp edges to the world.

The school nurse was conducting eye exams in the cafeteria as she did every year and when it was my turn she motioned for me to sit in the chair and read the wall chart. When I told her that I couldn't see the Big E on the chart she assumed that I was just being an obnoxious, lying 12 year old. I may have been obnoxious but I wasn't lying. She made me go to the end of the line and wait until everyone else had had their turn and then she tried me again, thinking that the waiting would somehow reform me and miraculously heal my eyesight. 
7th Grade--sans BUG MAN glasses

It didn't work.

Soon after I had an ophthalmologist appointment and left that afternoon with my first pair of glasses. (if I had been given a superhero name at that point, I would have been called BUG MAN because I looked like a fly. I was wearing geeky turtle shell glasses before they were hip.) Before walking out that day I remember looking at the trees and remarking: "Those trees have leaves!" Earlier in the day they had just been great big globs of green.  Now I could see!

The world needs to see Jesus clearly.  Too often the image of Jesus is fuzzy to the lost, the least, and the lonely because the church views the life and message of Jesus through the filter of the political/religious "right" or "left." We get sidetracked, distracted and detoured by agendas when we need to be centered in the gospel.

We want  to be a church that is Gospel-centered and clearly, confidently, and unashamedly communicates the gospel of Jesus with our words and our lives. We want to "let our conversation always be full of grace, seasoned with salt so that we will know how to answer everyone."

We can't afford to let the message get fuzzy. We need to see Jesus clearly!

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