Why are they (the Least, the Lost and the Lonely) invisible to me?
Is it because I don't want to see them? Is it because if I see them then I must confront some of my ugly things that I would prefer stay invisible?
Last week I met three invisible people--I'm trying to see them.
One of the hats I am wearing at this stage of the church re-planting process is remodeler, so we've become frequent shoppers at Lowe's, Home Depot, and Ace Hardware (At some point in the next month or so I'll post some before/after pictures so you can see the progress.)
Last week Shane Harper, Harrisen and I made a Lowe's run to pick up some lumber to construct a small stage on our Work Day. As Shane and I were loading the wood onto the trailer a tall man with his right arm in a sling walked up and asked, "Can I help you load that?"
I'd seen this man before out of the corner of my eye. He sits on the curb next to the entrance. He makes me uncomfortable when I pull into the parking lot so I usually throw up a courteous but cool "how ya doin'" wave--the kind where you keep your wrist on the steering wheel and your eyes straight ahead and tilt your head upwards.
Now he was standing next to me asking me for a chance--a chance to work, a chance to eat, a chance to be visible. I was also looking for a chance-not a chance to love one of the least, not a chance to disciple my son, not a chance!
No, I was looking for a chance to leave. Here is some of the ugly internal monologue:
"I don't have time for this."
"I already know this story."
"I'm not going to let him take advantage of me."
Jesus was not impressed.
So, instead of leaving I asked him his name and gave him mine--now it was personal. "P" shared some of his story with me. I listened. I tried to listen with a heart that was sensitive to the Spirit and not callused from experience. The boys and I went to Walmart and bought P and his wife some groceries and then we offered to pick him up that weekend to work with us at the Work Day. He was there with us all day.
There is no neat ending to this story--no bow to wrap it all up. I can't solve all of P's issues.
But I can see him, listen to him, and try to love him the way Jesus does, right?
P is one of the least that Jesus seeks and finds.
I obviously have a long way to go to walk as Jesus walks.
Orr Family

Thursday, October 10, 2013
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Check out The Stone Church Website
Today we'd like to announce that The Stone Church website is up and active!
Thank you to Russell Brown and Jono Ramey for their work in getting it off the ground. Our hope is that this will help us communicate effectively to our community and our church.
The reality is that someone will make a decision about attending based on what they see and read on our site and that for that someone that decision will change everything about their life.
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Yet Another Reason to Stop by Open House at The Stone Church Tomorrow 5-7 pm
As if you needed yet another reason to come by the Open House tomorrow night!
Well, you need to hear about how we believe in your children and want them to grow up to love God fully, live vibrant lives and lead others wisely.
Here's what Jesus said:
“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of god belongs to such as these. Mark 10.14
At The Stone Church we believe that children matter to God and that God should matter to children.
So, hopefully we'll see you tomorrow evening for some homemade pies and sweet tea, we can sit on a bench and talk about your story and we'll tell you a little bit about us and what we see God doing in our church and community.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Reason #5 for Checking out the Open House this Sunday from 5-7 pm
Construction creates curiosity.
In case you haven't noticed we have been doing quite a bit of reconstruction around The Stone Church--and we still have a ways to go. The good news is that we are making progress.
Walls have been painted, closets and sheds have been organized, limbs have been trimmed, and work on the roof will start later this week. Yeah, there's still a good bit to be done and our goal is to have everything completed by the middle of December.
So, reason #5 for stopping by the Open House on Sunday is that you'll be able to get an inside look at what we're doing.
Reason #5 1/2: You can see Shane Harper (seen in today's picture) and hear his story (see Reason #4 in yesterday's blog.)
In case you haven't noticed we have been doing quite a bit of reconstruction around The Stone Church--and we still have a ways to go. The good news is that we are making progress.
So, reason #5 for stopping by the Open House on Sunday is that you'll be able to get an inside look at what we're doing.
Reason #5 1/2: You can see Shane Harper (seen in today's picture) and hear his story (see Reason #4 in yesterday's blog.)
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Open House: Reason #4: "So, What's Your Story?"
Several years ago I started asking people a simple question when I wanted to get to know them better: "So, what's your story?"
I remember sitting across the table with a couple of teenagers in a McDonalds while on a ski retreat in West Virginia when I asked this question for the first time. I had never met the young girl who had come with her friend and so I sat there with my Quarter Pounder with Cheese and asked her that question.
The story I heard was heart-breaking. She told me that her father had died from cancer in the last year and that her mother was doing her best to raise `her daughter and siblings. Though it was a difficult story to hear it helped me to see that girl in a different light. She was no longer just an awkward teenage girl wanting to hang out with her friends and ski. She was a young woman who needed to feel the love of God and to have hope that in the future God will make all things new again.
Reason #4 for coming to the "Open House" on Sunday: You will meet some interesting people with intriguing stories. Don't be surprised if someone asks: "So, what's your story?"
Monday, September 2, 2013
Disguises and Distractions
We take a break today from "Reasons to Attend the Open House" for Tracie to share a story...
Then the hazardous presented itself a few days ago when we arrived home shortly after dusk to discover a three-foot plus rattlesnake crossing our driveway.... it was just a random sighting though, right?
Well, our "random" experience took a turn when the EMC guys who were fixing our fried transformer said our neighbor was experiencing an abundance of rattlesnake sightings this year. Suddenly, all I could think about were kids, dogs, and a yard full of snakes disguised as sticks.
I researched safety - back away slowly. I researched what to look for, what to avoid, what to do "in case of". I dreamed about snakes - I lost sleep. Within 36 hours, I was obsessing.
Finally, I prayed. Interesting how prayer can change one's perspective, isn't it?
When I took the time to listen, the Lord reminded me of I Peter 5:12 "Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." Suddenly, the Lord was redirecting my thoughts as he began teaching me... Satan is real and dangerous, and he is destroying lives.
In 36 hours, I became a self-taught semi-expert on rattlers in Georgia, ours are called Canebrake Rattlesnakes by the way, but have I ever been that intense with sharing my faith? Have I ever obsessed over how to share God's love better? I look others in the eyes, yet I've never lost sleep over their souls.
I'm still going to be alert in our yard but as our journey continues, I'm also going to consider the last part of adventure's definition of the uncertain outcome. We each have a choice before us - the enemy is active so when you look that next person in the face, will you take a chance to be used by God so that their future outcome will be changed or will you slowly walk away?
I am praying for boldness for you and for me!
Friday, August 30, 2013
Reason #3 You Should Come to The Stone Church's Open House on September 8
It may not look like much at first, but this wooden bench is a great reason to show up at 30 McCormick Road on September 8 between 5 and 7 pm.
You see, by 5:00 on that day the Falcons will have already defeated the Saints in their season opener and you'll want to talk to somebody about Matt Ryan's incredible day and you'll want to share how you knew all along that the Falcon defense would step up at just the right time. You could be sitting on this bench (with Reason #1 and Reason #2) talking football...and who knows, someone may even sit there with you, which would make it a little less weird than you eating pie, drinking tea and talking to yourself.
After a while the conversation may even turn to something more meaningful like your story, God's love for you and your story, and your future. It is possible that for someone everything changes right here on this bench on that day. Someone may find a fresh start. Someone may embark on a bold adventure. Someone may find a real friend.
It's not just a wooden bench, it's an invitation to something better.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Reasons #1 and 2 for Coming to The Stone Church's Open House
September 8 will be a big day for us at The Stone Church here in Cartersville--we will be throwing a party (well, an Open House) and inviting the community to come and check things out.
A few months ago I was talking with a friend of mine, Mike Merriner, who is planting a church in Anchorage, Alaska called Clear Water Church, and he mentioned that he had just had an Open House event to kick off their ministry. It was more like what we are calling a Preview Service (our first which happens to be the following Sunday morning @ 10:30--but more about that later!)
So beginning today and the next several days I'll try to give you some reasons for coming to and or inviting someone to the Stone Church Open House.
Reasons #1 and 2: Homemade Pies and Sweet Tea!
Do I really need to say anything more?
You'll be able to hang out on The Porch and chat with some of the team working on relaunching this church. Who knows, you may even make a new friend while you sip on your sweet tea!
A few months ago I was talking with a friend of mine, Mike Merriner, who is planting a church in Anchorage, Alaska called Clear Water Church, and he mentioned that he had just had an Open House event to kick off their ministry. It was more like what we are calling a Preview Service (our first which happens to be the following Sunday morning @ 10:30--but more about that later!)
So beginning today and the next several days I'll try to give you some reasons for coming to and or inviting someone to the Stone Church Open House.
Reasons #1 and 2: Homemade Pies and Sweet Tea!
Do I really need to say anything more?
You'll be able to hang out on The Porch and chat with some of the team working on relaunching this church. Who knows, you may even make a new friend while you sip on your sweet tea!
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Cathedrals Re-size You and Work Days Matter
If you've ever walked into one of the world's renown cathedrals you've probably been impressed by the sheer magnitude of the place and the attention to detail in the design and architecture If you took a tour you were probably stunned when the guide told how many years it took to build such an edifice. Today we get impatient if a project takes longer than a year!
Several years ago Eddie Kirkland was kind enough to come and lead a worship workshop for our High School Ministry worship leaders. In one of his sessions he said that cathedrals re-size us. And it is true!
When you step through the massive doors and hear the echo of your shoes on the marble floor; and as you gaze down the long corridors lined with some of the greatest art ever created by man, and crane your neck to view the dome--you realize how small and insignificant you are and how BIG God is.
Architecture, design and decor communicate.
That's why a work day at The Stone Church isn't just about painting some walls, staining a deck, organizing a shed, and pulling some weeds. It really matters.
We want people who come that night to not only enjoy some sweet tea, lemonade and homemade pies--we want them to feel something different. We want them to sense the presence of God in this place and in the people. We want them to see a clean, inviting and warm space for their kids to grow up and to know God; and we want them to feel like they might belong here.
We are so grateful for the Sloans, Kelleys, Shaws, Figueroas, and the Rogers as well as Shane Harper and his crew of strong backs: Clark, Antley, and Vaughn. They've all made the trip up I-75 to Cartersville to lend a hand to those of us at The Stone Church who are working diligently to get the place ready for an Open House on Sunday, August 18th.
There is still a great deal of work to be done! We have Work Day #3 scheduled for Saturday, August 17th. We'd love to have you come be a part of what is happening here.
Please let us know if you plan on attending so that we can plan our work accordingly (and of course have enough food to feed you!)
(By the way--thank you Ms. Jean and Ms. Wanda for the Chocolate Chip Cookie! We were supposed to share that a lunch!)
Several years ago Eddie Kirkland was kind enough to come and lead a worship workshop for our High School Ministry worship leaders. In one of his sessions he said that cathedrals re-size us. And it is true!
When you step through the massive doors and hear the echo of your shoes on the marble floor; and as you gaze down the long corridors lined with some of the greatest art ever created by man, and crane your neck to view the dome--you realize how small and insignificant you are and how BIG God is.
Architecture, design and decor communicate.
That's why a work day at The Stone Church isn't just about painting some walls, staining a deck, organizing a shed, and pulling some weeds. It really matters.
We want people who come that night to not only enjoy some sweet tea, lemonade and homemade pies--we want them to feel something different. We want them to sense the presence of God in this place and in the people. We want them to see a clean, inviting and warm space for their kids to grow up and to know God; and we want them to feel like they might belong here.
We are so grateful for the Sloans, Kelleys, Shaws, Figueroas, and the Rogers as well as Shane Harper and his crew of strong backs: Clark, Antley, and Vaughn. They've all made the trip up I-75 to Cartersville to lend a hand to those of us at The Stone Church who are working diligently to get the place ready for an Open House on Sunday, August 18th.
There is still a great deal of work to be done! We have Work Day #3 scheduled for Saturday, August 17th. We'd love to have you come be a part of what is happening here.
Please let us know if you plan on attending so that we can plan our work accordingly (and of course have enough food to feed you!)
(By the way--thank you Ms. Jean and Ms. Wanda for the Chocolate Chip Cookie! We were supposed to share that a lunch!)
Monday, July 22, 2013
Work Day #2
So, are you looking to invest a few hours in the kingdom this week, like these guys did last month?
You are invited to our 2nd Work Day planned for this coming Saturday at 9:00 a.m. at The Stone Church.
Our focus will be:
1. Complete painting the Children's Ministry area
2. Complete staining of porch
3. General Clean up
We'd love for you to come up and be a part of this day. Would you let me know if you plan on attending or not so we can plan accordingly?
Address: 30 McCormick Road, Cartersville
You can contact me either by email or if you prefer by phone: 678-877-0309.
Grace and Peace,
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Ten Hours or 60 Seconds
This morning I was reminded that God is at work even when I am not.
I texted a friend of mine this morning and told him that I was praying that he had a productive and profitable day. He responded by saying that he was going to be in a ten-hour training course today.
My first response was--so maybe it won't be that productive and probably not that profitable since he won't be out working with potential clients.
Then it hit me: God is working even when it feels like we are just sitting, waiting, or training. He redeems "wasted time."
Sometimes praying may feel like a waste of time because it feels so passive; but is it? I think not! Praying is the wisest investment of my time and energy.
An old-timer once told me: "If you've got 60 seconds to make a decision take 55 seconds to pray and think."
I texted a friend of mine this morning and told him that I was praying that he had a productive and profitable day. He responded by saying that he was going to be in a ten-hour training course today.
My first response was--so maybe it won't be that productive and probably not that profitable since he won't be out working with potential clients.
Then it hit me: God is working even when it feels like we are just sitting, waiting, or training. He redeems "wasted time."
Sometimes praying may feel like a waste of time because it feels so passive; but is it? I think not! Praying is the wisest investment of my time and energy.
An old-timer once told me: "If you've got 60 seconds to make a decision take 55 seconds to pray and think."
Would you consider partnering in prayer with us? Let me know at: johnandtracieorr@gmail.com
Friday, June 21, 2013
What a Difference A Year Makes
A year ago yesterday our little buddy made his grand entrance! Happy 1st Saw-yo!
This time a year ago we tethered our family together and like Shackleton and his men started sliding down the glacier into the unknown. New baby, new ministry, sell a house, buy a house, saying "See you later" to old friends, and "Nice to meet you!" to new ones.
So much change! So much fun!
If we were taking a "Stress and Strain" test we may be maxing out on the chart right now but God uses stress and strain to strengthen us, doesn't He?
How's your "S&S" level? Leave a comment and let us know how we can pray for you.
Would you become one of our "500" prayer partners?
Let us know by email: johnandtracieorr@gmail.com
This time a year ago we tethered our family together and like Shackleton and his men started sliding down the glacier into the unknown. New baby, new ministry, sell a house, buy a house, saying "See you later" to old friends, and "Nice to meet you!" to new ones.
So much change! So much fun!
If we were taking a "Stress and Strain" test we may be maxing out on the chart right now but God uses stress and strain to strengthen us, doesn't He?
How's your "S&S" level? Leave a comment and let us know how we can pray for you.
Would you become one of our "500" prayer partners?
Let us know by email: johnandtracieorr@gmail.com
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
The Stone Church--Work Project Day! June 29th
I still have fun playing with Legos and Lincoln Logs. Now there are building blocks that are more sophisticated than the colored square, rectangle, and cylindrical shapes I had growing up. The ones Harrisen is playing with today are uniquely shaped to create a castle. Pretty cool!
Would you like to come play with some friends, do some creative construction (and even some de-construction--which is always fun!) at The Stone Church?
Below are a few projects that we can work on that day. I can send you a full description of the work to be done and a picture of the area.
A. Clean and Stain Deck and Porch Area
B. Stain Porch Bench(es)
C. Outdoor Clean Up
D. Paint Children's Ministry Room
E. Clean gutters and secure downspouts
F. General Clean up
G. Remove Hedge
Join us at The Stone Church on Saturday June 29th @ 9 am!
If you'd like to take on one of these projects contact me at johnorr.thestonechurch@gmail.com or call me @ 678-877-0309 and let me know what you'd like to do.
Would you like to come play with some friends, do some creative construction (and even some de-construction--which is always fun!) at The Stone Church?
Below are a few projects that we can work on that day. I can send you a full description of the work to be done and a picture of the area.
A. Clean and Stain Deck and Porch Area
B. Stain Porch Bench(es)
C. Outdoor Clean Up
D. Paint Children's Ministry Room
E. Clean gutters and secure downspouts
F. General Clean up
G. Remove Hedge
Join us at The Stone Church on Saturday June 29th @ 9 am!
If you'd like to take on one of these projects contact me at johnorr.thestonechurch@gmail.com or call me @ 678-877-0309 and let me know what you'd like to do.
Monday, June 17, 2013
An unanticipated activity on this adventure for us has been the opportunity to purge.
It probably comes as no surprise that we have too much stuff. Stuff in the attic (we might need that one day!) Stuff in the workshop (what if that thing breaks again--I'll have the right sized wrench this time!) Stuff in the wardrobe (hey, that's the T-shirt from summer camp 2003--don't throw that out!)
My favorite T-shirt of all time is the one created by Scott Morgan when he was the Middle School Pastor at Crossroads. I don't wear it but I did frame it and put it over the trash cans in my garage.
Cleaning out, yeah, it helps get rid of stuff you no longer need. But the surprise is that it brings back some pretty cool memories too. Thank you Scott for taking the time to design this shirt ten years ago--there's no way that this is getting purged!
Would you consider becoming one of our 500 Prayer Partners?
Let us know by messaging me on FB with your email or click on this link to let us know: johnandtracieorr@gmail.com
It probably comes as no surprise that we have too much stuff. Stuff in the attic (we might need that one day!) Stuff in the workshop (what if that thing breaks again--I'll have the right sized wrench this time!) Stuff in the wardrobe (hey, that's the T-shirt from summer camp 2003--don't throw that out!)
My favorite T-shirt of all time is the one created by Scott Morgan when he was the Middle School Pastor at Crossroads. I don't wear it but I did frame it and put it over the trash cans in my garage.
Cleaning out, yeah, it helps get rid of stuff you no longer need. But the surprise is that it brings back some pretty cool memories too. Thank you Scott for taking the time to design this shirt ten years ago--there's no way that this is getting purged!
Would you consider becoming one of our 500 Prayer Partners?
Let us know by messaging me on FB with your email or click on this link to let us know: johnandtracieorr@gmail.com
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Fighting Side by Side
My friend Mark Fields is one of the "500" who has committed to praying for us. In his message to me he attached this picture saying he and his wife Linda would be one of our prayer partners.
Love this image of prayer partners--chained together--fighting together--protecting one another--believing in one another.
Become one or two of the 500 by messaging me on FB with your email or email us at johnandtracieorr@gmail.com
Love this image of prayer partners--chained together--fighting together--protecting one another--believing in one another.
Become one or two of the 500 by messaging me on FB with your email or email us at johnandtracieorr@gmail.com
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
A Word from an "Old, Dead Guy"
Oswald Chambers is one of my favorite "old, dead guys." His insights into a vital relationship with Jesus are piercing. Here is his closing paragraph from today's devotional.
Jesus says, "Come to me and i will give you rest," in other words, I will stay you. Not-I will put you to bed and hold your hand and sing you to sleep; but--I will get you out of bed, out of the languor and exhaustion, out of the state of being half dead while you are alive; I will imbue you with the spirit of life, and you will be stayed by the perfection of vital activity. We get pathetic and talk about "suffering the will of the Lord!" Where is the majestic vitality and might of the son of God about that?"
Do you want to live a life of adventure? Do you want to use words like languor, imbue, and vitality?
Get out of bed!
You can spend five minutes with Oswald daily at www.utmost.org
(We are still in the process of identifying the 500 people who want to join us on our adventure through prayer. If you'd like to be one of them please email us at: johnandtracieorr@gmail.com or you can message John through Facebook with your email address I will add your name to the list, that way we can communicate directly with you in the future.)
Monday, June 10, 2013
500 Prayer Partners

If I were quicker, faster, stronger, had decent hand-eye coordination, an some talent I could have been a MLB shortstop, and had my own Topps Baseball card that would probably be worth a nickel. But that isn't what God had intended for us. No web gems on ESPN and no baseball card. Disappointed.
Then our friend, Kim Ramey, came up with a cool idea...what about a baseball card: even if I didn't play baseball I could still make my own baseball card--with the help of the graphic genius, Russell Brown.
So this weekend we gave out these baseball card style prayer cards. Why?
Because as Bilbo Baggins suggests: "It is dangerous business going out your front door." We wouldn't even consider going on this adventure without the prayer support of our friends.
Tracie and I are seeking 500 prayer partners that will commit to praying for us and The Stone Church for one year. If you didn't get a card this weekend at Crossroads Church you can pick one up next weekend at Guest Services. If you would like to be one of our five hundred prayer partners send me an email at:
We hope you will consider partnering with us on this adventure together.
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Dangerous Business
"It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.”
Bilbo Baggins to Frodo in Fellowship of the Ring by J. R. R. Tolkien
We have gone out the front door.
We have stepped onto the road that leads north on I-75 to Bartow County and the Cartersville area to rePlant a church--The Stone Church.
Together we are being swept out into an adventure with God--it is dangerous business. It reminds me of C.S. Lewis' description of Aslan in the Chronicles of Narnia: "'course he isn't safe; but he's good."
We would love for you to partner with us in prayer on this adventure.
We will use this blog to communicate over the next year what dangerous business is afoot!
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